What is Love and Logic®?
Love and Logic® is a parenting philosophy founded by Jim Fay and Foster W. Cline in 1977. They created simple parenting solutions that includes practical techniques to assist adults in raising responsible kids, and have fun doing it! Love allows children to grow through their mistakes; Logic allows children to live with the consequences of their choices. Love and Logic® teaches parents techniques on how to hold their children accountable for their own decisions, and that every decision has a consequence just like the real world.
Why Use Love and Logic®? |
Love and Logic© is based on solid scientific research and has proven successful for over 30 years. By addressing the basic human needs such as structure and limits, control, affection, acceptance, dignity and respect, this philosophy preserves the loving adult/child relationship while teaching children to be responsible, and prepares young people to live in the real world, with its many choices and consequences. Love and Logic© provides practical and proven tools for anyone who relates to children.
Love and Logic© strategies were developed from years of research and experience of working with children. These time tested techniques include:
- are simple and easy to learn
- teach responsibility and character
- change lives and lower stress levels
- have immediate and positive effects on parents and children
- up the odds that when the teenage years arrive, parenting can remain fun instead of frantic
Love and Logic© strategies were developed from years of research and experience of working with children. These time tested techniques include:
- are simple and easy to learn
- teach responsibility and character
- change lives and lower stress levels
- have immediate and positive effects on parents and children
- up the odds that when the teenage years arrive, parenting can remain fun instead of frantic
Love and Logic® Resources
Love and Logic© Articles:
What is Parenting with Love and Logic©
The Love and Logic© Generic Consequence
The Rules of Love and Logic©
Teach Your Kids to Handle Lifes Conflicts
Give Your Children the Values They Deserve
Love and Logic© Videos:
Love and Logic© Teaches Empathy
How to Get Kids to do Their Chores
How to Handle Kids Whining and Arguing with Love and Logic©
What is Parenting with Love and Logic©
The Love and Logic© Generic Consequence
The Rules of Love and Logic©
Teach Your Kids to Handle Lifes Conflicts
Give Your Children the Values They Deserve
Love and Logic© Videos:
Love and Logic© Teaches Empathy
How to Get Kids to do Their Chores
How to Handle Kids Whining and Arguing with Love and Logic©